Exam - General counsultation
The procedure of general examination & consultation at hiDental:
1. Visiting and listening:
The dentist will examine and consult carefully about the expression and function of the entire odonto-stomatology system: not only teeth but also soft tissues, motor muscles of the jaw and temporomandibular joint. We always respect and listen to all issues and concerns about customers’ teeth, so do not hesitate to share with our doctors.
2. General X-ray and image diagnosis
For patients with oral problems, general X-ray is an important step in helping detect the situation and assign the most accurate and appropriate treatment plan.

3. Consultation, dental examination and starting treatment:
After fully identifying the issues, the doctor will consult, examine and make a suitable plan for the condition and needs of each patient. In particular, at hiDental, the doctors will guide you with all treatment types including:
- The necessary treatment steps
- Pros and cons of each of these treatments
- The price of each service & treatment is reasonable to the needs of customers.
From there, you will select the service that meets your needs and receive treatment immediately. The records will be saved by the system to monitor your dental health in future.
General examination package (Exam, X-ray, Scrape) | 700,000 VND |